
Another of the books that was completed just at the end of August was an entry for the exhibit EcoEditions at 23SandyGallery in Portland, Oregon. The show runs November 15 - December 28, 2013 so if you are in the area, there is still time to see it! If you are not anywhere near Portland and would still like to see the show, you can see the online catalog. The theme was fairly straightforward, as indicated by the title: "EcoEditions asks the question: can books save the world? Can artist books raise consciousness, create awareness or change thinking? Let’s use…

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Poor Pluto

One of the books I just finished before the end of August is a book that was sent to the Morgan Conservatory. Each participant was given two sheets of paper made by the Morgan to be used in an art piece of any format. The work is to be auctioned off at their Annual Open House and Silent Auction on October 5th, 2013. Proceeds go to the Morgan and it is a great way to support the education and production of handmade paper! I was given two lovely sheets of paper: one charcoal grey and the other a bright white.…

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Undefined Lines

Undefined Lines is the result of the Guild of Book Workers Horizon exhibit competition. Entries could be any type of binding, artist book or other book project so long as it related to the theme "Horizon." It had been a more difficult topic for me to respond to than others in the past; the decision process was incredibly drawn out and the number of times I changed my mind about the design was a personal record. When I was contemplating the thought of "horizons" I eventually realized that I literally walk a horizon line nearly every day. Inspired by the…

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December: Materials

The final intellectual collaboration project of 2011 with Kristin at Space Paste Press is one that is slightly different than the former projects. Instead of using text or image to convey our idea, this December project would rely on the use of materials to translate meaning.  This altered the way we had to think about the materials we selected and how they were put together. I began my paper selection only after I realized that I wanted to play with the way that paper absorbs ink and paint. Since I knew I would be getting the paper wet and possibly…

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November: Altered Book

One of the most challenging projects mentally was this November's Intellectual Collaboration with Kristin at Space Paste Press. We decided to do two altered books. Neither of us had tried an altered book yet, but with so many book artists who have done such cool things with manipulation of an already existing book, we had to try our hands at it. Each book we chose would dictate how the book was altered. The first and most difficult challenge for me was to find two books I didn't mind cutting into. This goes against my nature with books as of late…

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