
This is progress! With help from some friends, I was able to get the first pieces assembled. All the parts, including the bolts, have been photographed and documented. Now, it will be an easier job of cleaning parts and adding them in the order that they were taken off. Fingers crossed that the rest goes smoothly.

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Box o’ bolts

NaBloPoMo November 15. Just a box of dirty bolts to go before I can assemble the first pieces of the board shear. It is tough to have such slow progress with this...alas, there are other things that have to get done aside from cleaning my new toy. But Monday is a new day!

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Rusty business

NaBloPoMo November 7 It is torture to have a piece of equipment sitting in the next room, just waiting to be assembled. Due to a few deadlines, I haven't been able to devote much of my time to sanding the rust off of the board shear parts. However, I stole a few hours to sand a few pieces just to feel like I was getting somewhere. These three bars connect to the two main base pieces that everything else will attach to. Since they are relatively small (about 3 feet long each), I could figure out the right way to…

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