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New equipment

November 2,2015

This is a bit of a teaser post, but I can’t help wanting to be suspenseful. Blame it on Halloween still wearing off!

I have acquired a new piece of equipment for the studio, and before I can clean it up and assemble it in place, I had to create a platform of sorts for it to sit on. Okay, its a board shear! I just realized it would be hard to explain this large piece of plywood without disclosing that bit of information. NBPM 11-2 plywood

With my studio being in our house, I have to protect everything around the things that can scratch, dent, or otherwise destroy the place. With a board shear made of cast iron, I will be bringing in potentially sumo sized destruction to our floors. Hence, the plywood. It is an inch thick and has been sanded down on the top and sides. Once the sharp corners and edges were worked into soft rounds, I put the piece up on my main work table.

NBPM 11-2 felt side

To cushion the weight and act as the barrier between beast and wood floor, I cut a piece of felt to the size of the plywood. I used good-for-nothing double stick tape to secure the felt in place long enough to turn the board over onto the floor.

NBPM 11-2 at home

And viola! This is the amount of real estate I have to get used to working around now. It will actually take up more space than this board, but it is a good start. Next step is to clean off some rust and seal up the parts so that the rust doesn’t come back. I’ve reached out to several folks as to the best ways to do this. Advice varies, so I am going to consider it all and get this sweet sweet unicorn into working order. I’ll post my progress as it goes.