Read more about the article Alphabet Book

Alphabet Book

This semester, I sat in on a typography class. I have been really excited to have the opportunity because my training in graphic design is slim to none. Up till now, I have built my knowledge on those around me, so the class has been wonderful. The final project of this class was a type specimen book that was to show case a type face in book form. Our options were completely open.  So I decided to go with a book that displayed the font through creative content as opposed to an historical approach.  The end result was an animal…

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Read more about the article Lined Paper
can be seen behind the page

Lined Paper

Lined paper.  How many people have searched and searched for this paper that was not only wide enough (in the right direction) but also had a grain direction that was correct as well?  I am one of these people...I am still on the lookout for this unicorn of bookbinding materials. However, in the meantime, I have come up with a few ways to address this problem. printed lines This is probably the most logical response to the lined paper issue. A quick document can be created in Word, Excel, or any other program that is fully customizable to fit your…

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Read more about the article Salt Prints: Final Trial
print detail

Salt Prints: Final Trial

Another day of testing and I have finally settled on the ratio of ingredients as well as a color for the final prints.  Going back and forth between the first and second results, I tried some dilute paint on the paper.  This was not exactly the solution, because the problem that arose with that mixture was the lack of visible pigment.  So when the reaction of the salt with the water happened, the design wasn't visible. However, I looked again at the first trial...beginner's luck seemed to be the only conclusion then.  Thinking more about it though, I tried to…

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Read more about the article Reporter Notebook
notebook open

Reporter Notebook

During the times when I feel unproductive or that I am not working on the "fun stuff" enough, I try to find a small and somewhat quick project I can do in order to get back on track. Here is a reporter style notebook that is small enough to use up scraps I hold onto in my studio.  (It is important to use these every once in a while so you can defend yourself when being accused of keeping unnecessary remainders.) The paper was cut to letter size, printed with lines, then cut down to its final size.  The stack…

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Read more about the article Salt Print Experiments II
each color

Salt Print Experiments II

After the first salt print test, my hopes were high.  They looked like others I have seen before and with the water color paint, I could mix the colors exactly how I want. So after I mixed paints and brushed out my papers to be used for a set of 6 journals, I was disappointed to find out that the reaction of the salt with the mixed paint did not even come close to the first set. They do not look horrible.  In fact, they have really nice characteristics in their own way, but they could look wonderful if they…

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